If you are within driving distance of Monroe and interested in a chance to mingle with Tech leadership/faculty, coaching staffs and an assortment of elected officials here's your chance.
Mingle and eats starts at 6PM. Catfish Charlie's is the caterer and The Fabulous Equinox Quintet will provide the music. Organizers are trying something new this year so music during the mingle will be minimal. After the program Equinox will perform for your toe tapping/dancing pleasure.
The program starts at 7PM with El Presidente Guice and HCSH as the only speakers.
Tickets are:
$500 for a premium table (seats 8)
$30 for a single
$250 for 10.
You probably won't see an official announcement for another week or two. As your intrepid investigative reporter I violated the trust of many for the benefit of BTB. Or, it could be my wife has an envelope full of tickets so I scanned one, edited out the number & QRC, read the memo inside and put it all back before she got up today.
Mingle and eats starts at 6PM. Catfish Charlie's is the caterer and The Fabulous Equinox Quintet will provide the music. Organizers are trying something new this year so music during the mingle will be minimal. After the program Equinox will perform for your toe tapping/dancing pleasure.
The program starts at 7PM with El Presidente Guice and HCSH as the only speakers.
Tickets are:
$500 for a premium table (seats 8)
$30 for a single
$250 for 10.