Hey everyone! Hope you're doing well in the current state of things.
I'm not sure how many of y'all put up with us... err, I mean listen to our podcast... but for next week's show we're doing something a little different. @ntruppel and I (along with a couple of the other guys) will be rewatching Tech's 2012 epic showdown with Texas A&M and recapping it on the podcast.
We'd love to include community input on the game as well. What do you remember about it? What plays or drives stick out to your memory? What were your feelings going into and coming out of the game? If you want to, feel free to share any thoughts about the game or surrounding events either here in the comments, tweet at us @gotechplsdntdie, email us at gotechplsdontdie at gmail, or leave us a voicemail (your audio might be played on the show) at 1-323-546-8324 (1-323-5GOTECH).
Here's the youtube video we're watching:
and then part 2:
I'm not sure how many of y'all put up with us... err, I mean listen to our podcast... but for next week's show we're doing something a little different. @ntruppel and I (along with a couple of the other guys) will be rewatching Tech's 2012 epic showdown with Texas A&M and recapping it on the podcast.
We'd love to include community input on the game as well. What do you remember about it? What plays or drives stick out to your memory? What were your feelings going into and coming out of the game? If you want to, feel free to share any thoughts about the game or surrounding events either here in the comments, tweet at us @gotechplsdntdie, email us at gotechplsdontdie at gmail, or leave us a voicemail (your audio might be played on the show) at 1-323-546-8324 (1-323-5GOTECH).
Here's the youtube video we're watching:
and then part 2: