Recently, thanks to so many of you over many years, I passed a milestone of 10,000 "likes" on BTB. The "likes" were always fun to receive, and differing views were always challenging and invigorating.
During Ben's tenure, there has been a steady increase in participation on BTB, about which I couldn't be more pleased. Upon reflection, I have determined that BTB would be well served if those new voices are given ample opportunity to form their own opinions, untainted by long-held biases. Consequently, I am initiating a sabbatical during which I will certainly "stay in the know" by following BTB, but will refrain from comment for some time to come.
To all my BTB friends, keep fighting the good fight. I'll be encouraging student fee and endowment enhancement initiatives, resting assured that you guys will not be accepting of any half-heartedness from any quarter of our athletic department.
Carry on!
During Ben's tenure, there has been a steady increase in participation on BTB, about which I couldn't be more pleased. Upon reflection, I have determined that BTB would be well served if those new voices are given ample opportunity to form their own opinions, untainted by long-held biases. Consequently, I am initiating a sabbatical during which I will certainly "stay in the know" by following BTB, but will refrain from comment for some time to come.
To all my BTB friends, keep fighting the good fight. I'll be encouraging student fee and endowment enhancement initiatives, resting assured that you guys will not be accepting of any half-heartedness from any quarter of our athletic department.
Carry on!